Friday, 26 October 2018

Export to JSON from MySQL All Ready for MongoDB

This post walks through how to export data from MySQL® into JSON format, ready to ingest into MongoDB®. Starting from MySQL 5.7+, there is native support for JSON. MySQL provides functions that actually create JSON values, so I will be using these functions in this article to export to JSON from MySQL:
These functions make it easy to convert MySQL data to JSON e.g.
In this article, I will be using the employees sample database available from here:
The employees schema:
Employee schema from MySQL
When mapping relations with collections, generally there is no one to one mapping, you would want to merge data from some MySQL tables into a single collection.

Export data to JSON format

To export data, I have constructed the following SQL (the data is combined from 3 different tables: employees, salaries, and departments):
You can see from this that json_object did not convert ‘hire_date’ column value to be compatible with MongoDB.  We have to convert date into ISODate format:
Next, we dump the output to a file (the above query is slightly modified) e.g.

Importing data

To load the file  employees.json  into MongoDB, I use the mongoimport utility.  It’s a multi-threaded tool that can load large files efficiently.


We have successfully migrated some data from MySQL to MongoDB!
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